laughing mastiff

Friday 29 May 2015


Love? A beautiful word, complicated meaning!
A thing of multiple faces-attachment, desire and possession, lust.
We die for it, is it that precious?
We cry for it, is it that painful?
We kill for it, is it that lethal?
I don't know anymore,
Is it destroying us or bringing us together?
Love, an addictive thing, yet the most sought after thing.

Monday 18 May 2015

Roads, or not roads.

Two roads diverge in a wood,
One road looks promising,
Yet it is filled with rocks and thorns.
The other road looks tiring,
Yet it is worth the try.

I stand in the wood,
Staring at the two roads,
Wondering which one is easier to travel,
Yet I am not sure, 
Not sure the easier one will give,  give me the lasting peace.
And I have no courage to follow the tougher road.

Am I a coward?
Am I a pessimist?
Am I an unrealistic soul?
I can't be sure.
May be, 
I am everything but not a happy soul.
I am not even sure, that these roads are a road.